Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dan Jape Atlanta Article - Up In Cumming

By: Dan Jape

Now that warm weather has arrived, it is very important that your cooling system
is checked to make sure it is operating at peak efficiency.  If your system is low
on refrigerant or coils are dirty, it can cost you hundreds of dollars more each
year to cool your home.  Make sure you do not waste your money operating a
cooling system that is not operating at peak efficiency.  Most HVAC companies
offer a service contract which provides two visits a year to clean and tune up
your heating and cooling systems and the summer inspection should include
cleaning the outdoor unit of mud and debris lodged in the outdoor coil.  This
cleaning helps a unit give the best efficiency possible. It is always best to sign a
service agreement with your company, as it gives your priority treatment during
peak times and a discount on parts.  At Reliable, we offer a lifetime warranty on
all repairs if a service agreement is put into effect at time of repair.  If that same
problem or part ever fails again, we fix it for free, no questions asked.

There are some big changes in the HVAC business brought about by the passage
of the new Georgia State Energy Code, which goes in effect this year. It calls
for some new tough policies regarding the heating and cooling systems that are
installed in new homes.

Blower door tests are now required on all new homes to check the infiltration rate
of a new home. The result must be less than 7 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals.
Companies such as Reliable Heating & Air are required to have a DET certified
specialist on staff to check the tightness of the duct systems and the thermal
envelope of the structure.  Duct leakage now has to be tested and certified to
meet the new standard for tightness.  Duct mastic has to be used to seal ducts to
make sure they are tight and not leaking conditioned air.

Programmable thermostats are required with every system as are attic tents or
covers over the attic staircases.  Attic vent fans can no longer be installed in a
new home unless they are solar powered. Electric furnaces cannot be installed
in any new homes after January 1, 2011.  A heat pump must be installed as the
primary heat source if natural gas or propane is not used.

There are many other facets of this new energy code, but these are some of the
highlights that might affect your HVAC system in the future.
For over 33 years, Reliable Heating & Air has been known as the company to
trust for all your heating and cooling needs, providing top quality service at
affordable prices. Many times, our customers have looked to us for referrals to
handle their plumbing needs also since they have always felt a high level of trust
and satisfaction from conducting business with Reliable. We have searched for
many years for the right plumber who gave the same great service experience we
like to provide our customers and have never been able to give a recommendation
without worrying about the outcome. We are now proud to announce we have
opened up a plumbing division offering the same great pricing and helpful
cheerful service our customers have always had counted on for their heating and
cooling needs and we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. Call us today for
any plumbing or heating and cooling needs.

[ by  Dan Jape  ]
Dan Jape is the owner of Reliable Heating and Air.

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